Monday, January 21, 2008

Audience Feedback

On friday lunchtime we are going to invite people to the media block to watch our sequence and give us feedback, we are also going to put our sequence on to youtube and ask peopel to watch it and comment on it

During our screening we will give people a sheet with 4/5 questions on it.
Possible question ideas:

  • If you were to put this film into genre what would it be, and why?
  • If you saw a trailer for this film do you think you would watch it, why/why not?
  • What do you think the target audience for this film is?


  • What cinema would you expect to see this in? (Multiplex - UGC, Art house - Phoenix)
  • What would you give this opening out of 10?
  • Would you consider this a fear of current society?


  • What type of film do you think this opening sequence could have come from? (e.g. Hollywood, British, low budget etc)
  • Based on the opening sequence, what do you think the rest of the film will be about?
  • What works well in the sequence and what do you think could be improved?


  • What section of the film do you think this is (i.e. opening, climax, middle section etc?) and why?
  • Does the scene have enough impact for you?
  • Who is the main character and what is his background?

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