Monday, December 17, 2007

Monday 17th December


it was good, we got it all done, and i was happy with the shoot thankyou I was impressed with Alix's ability to fall over, and was pleased with her commitment. Nick's haircut wasn't too bad for us, as he was only in about 2 shots pre-shaving, one which we actually recorded over. He was very good, and we even let him have a go recording one of our trail runs, he was actually quite good.... The footage was overall quite good, so our only shots left are of the killer putting the photo of Alix up on the wall. We also need to figure out a name for Nick to call out, and record that, probably on the school field or in the nearby park to get the same diegetic effect that we would've had in the forest. The contrast, brightness and general colour of each shot varied, but this can be fixed in the editing process.

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