Saturday, December 1, 2007

Shooting weekend

Shooting weekend: December 1st-2nd

December 1st we carried out our main shooting session, where we made successful attempts at our finl shots. Using a quality control check after all shots we believe most of the shots taken are at a high standard and those which are not will be reshot next weekend. As all of us in the group were out to achieve the highest standards of camera work, shooting was much longer than anticipated. This factor, accompanied with the freezing weather conditions meant that shooting was postponed as our actress was so freezing and began to feel poorly. It would have been ridiculous to make her stay throughout these conditions, and more than this the quality of acting would/was beginnning to deteriorate. Although not every shot was completed we feel as a group that shots taken were infact of a good quality (sometimes we took 10 takes just to get the right camera work and acting!). From this we as a group feel that next week we must firstly film the remaining shots in this outdoor location even if the weather conditions are inappropriate, and secondly to reshoot the least successful shots taken this weekend.

On 2nd december, we as a group are not able to shoot anymore of the opening sequence. This is because it is forecast to rain all day (which it did!), and our actress desperately needed to leave the shoot at 9.45am. This would have meant that from sunrise we would have had roughly an an hour and a half, in which to shoot in undesired conditions.

Problems from this shooting weekend were as follows:

  • the weather conditions (freezing and then a full day of rain)

  • time taken between shots was too long that not all shots were completed

  • the actress could not perform a 'fall' in the way the group all desired

  • the sun shone brightly and then was clouded over (a very dark sky)

  • due to the time taken to quality control all shots, it meant the actor (villain) was not needed til much later in the day- although he seemed to enjoy the time away from studying and liked to give his opinion as a viewer.

  • there were many distractions and many people in some shots as the park was full of dog walkers, runners, walkers, families, children on bikes etc. This meant the shooting was delayed further.

Here is an example of some of the shot logging we did to make it easier for us to know which shots to upload to the comptuer.

Matt, Liam

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