Friday, December 14, 2007

Our Favourite Shots

Favourite shots (and possible screen grabs for the cover).


We all really like this big close up shot. It reflects the themes of 'anaesthetising' through drug abuse, kidnap as the villain is swarming the victim, and shows dominance and brutal nature of the villain which will be developed in the rest of the film. The clean and clinical method of sedation reflects his ability and experience. We also slowed this shot down during the opening to create more suspense and highlight the key themes it shows. I think this is a perfect shot to put on the DVD cover as it sets up expectations of the film through its generic signifiers etc. yet it doesnt give away any of the film narrative.-i.e. THIS IS THE FALSE HEROINE. So in fac tthe audience only learn the themes of the film, they dont learn who teh main characters are!


As a group we feel this low level, medium close up, track is very effective. It clearly shows generic codes such as black v light clothing to show good v evil, whilst it also shows that there is infact going to be elements of chase scenes occuring through the film . This also acts almost as an establishing shot, as we see the enormity of the forest and we can see there is no way out of here -reminding themes of isolation and entrappment. The distancing between the victim and villain in this shot also shows that he is catching her even though he is walking whilst she is running.


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