Saturday, January 26, 2008

Audience Feedback

Here is a selection of the feedback we have from screenings
....then followed by age.

1. What is the name of this film and can you tell us what happens in the sequence?
" 'The Anaesthetist' - man chasing young girl through park, kills her" - F 15
" 'The Anaesthetist' - person ran away from rapist while screaming. Runs through forest and eventually gets chloroformed. At the end there is a news report" M 17
"A drugged girl is chased through a forest" - F 18
" 'The Anaesthetist' - a man chloroforming a girl in the forest. He is an evil serial killer. Then cuts to news report about the incident and we see a new victim" M 18

2. What genre category would you put this film into and why?
"Thriller - fear factor and stalking" M 17
"Thriller/slasher - serial killer" M 17
"Thriller - because the clip is centred around suspense" - M46
"Thriller -lots of suspense from music and content, and not as graphic or bloody as horror' M 18

3. What do you think the rest of the film will be about?
"Next victims" F 16
"The killer going after someone else and eventually she kills him" M 17
"Him killing more girls and how he is caught"
"Seeing another murder through the murderer's eyes" - F 16
"How [the police] solve the murders" - M19
"Obsession with girl in the last photo and more future girls. A police investigation catches him.-All from the 'Anaesthetist's' point of view" M 18

4. And would you go and watch it?
"Maybe" - M 17
"If it was on TV definitely, cinema maybe" - M 17
"Definitely" - F 18
"Yes"- M 17
" yeah, def. M18"

5. What works well in the sequence and what do you think could be improved? "
"I like the shaky camera movement, but I don't find it that scary because the scenery looks too normal" - F 15
"Good setting. Music seems too epic and face of guy too exposed" - M 17
"The sound could be improved but the cinematography's really good" - M 17
"The impression of an isolated location" - M, 46
"The running through the woods as it made you want to watch more" - F 14
"The music is great and news report" - F 16
"Music, Titles, Acting, News report" - M 17
"The girl being dragged off at the end is great" - F 47
" Why not hide the villain's face throughout?" M 18

6. Do you think it is a British, American or European film?
"British" - F 47
"British" - M 18
"British" - F 17
"American" - M 16

7. What sort of cinema would you expect to see this film in? (e.g. Arthouse cinema, Multiplex etc)
"Multiplex" - F 13
"Multiplex" - M 46
"Mulitplex" - M 17
"Arthouse" - F 16
"Storyline is Multiplex in its accessibility, but low budget so Art house" M18

8. What would you give the opening sequence out of 10?

We had an overall average of 8


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