We finished the contrast of the shots, although the 3 shots were the girl puts her shoe on were incredibly overexposed and we spent ages on them but unfortunately were unable to match them to the rest.
We also re-recorded our news broadcast for the end as it wasn't long enough and it needed to fit throughout the last pan. So although it detracts a little from the creepy-ness of his wall of girls it would be stranger if it suddenly faded up during the pan as if our villain had miraculously just tuned into the news report about himself.
We also took our cover shots:

We decided this shot looked a little strange because of his facial expression and also because of the fire bucket.

This photo is too blurry, but although we liked the composition all the others which were clear had a big red fire extinguisher in the background
W decided to use this image (put onto a Polaroid outline) because its very striking and it shows he sort of leads a double life and that there are lots of secrets.
We had 3 possible ideas for our title which were 'The Butcher', 'The Anaesthetist' and 'The Silencer' but in the end we went with 'The Anaesthetis't and a generally more medical and methodical killing style for our villain.
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