Thursday, November 22, 2007

Opening Sequence

Our final idea is made of up of 4 sections:

1.) In the first, the woods are established in about 10-15 seconds with slow pans etc, then the girl appears and the audience realise she is on drugs or has been drugged and is obviously running from something or someone.

2.) The second is when the audience first sees the male and it is made obvious that she is running from him (i.e. from shots of her looking round and is generally panicked). At the end of this section he disppears from view - which makes her even more hysterical.

3.) The next section is when he reappears - the details of this are undecided but it will be in a way tat makes the audience jump and will build up suspense - and then chloroforms her

4.) Just after he chloroforms her it almost immediatley starts going backwards, very fast, in a montage style. It goes back to before the sequence starting - i.e. as she enters the park and escapes from his house - the final shot will be of her tied up in his shed (it will be very dark then as the hwole thing is shot as the sun comes up). Then the title will flash up.


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