Friday, November 30, 2007

Thursday 29th November

During our meeting today after school we altered our shot list, there are still some gaps but we feel that it would be better to mark out the chase on a path in the woods and then just shoot her running and stumbling from many different angles over and over to fill in the gaps between our main events.

Here is the new shot list:

Shot 1
Slow Pan of forest (1+2+3 panoramic – 360)

Shot 2
Slow pan (diff angle)

Shot 3
Slow pan (another angle)

Shot 4
Blurry POV (moving) of girl (woods)

Shot 5
Another blurry POV (looks from up to down)

Shot 6
Further blurry POV

Shot 7
Establishing shot , she is stumbling ELS

Shot 8
MLS/LS reverse track of her stumbling

Shot 9
Pan R-L, she runs in and out of shot

Shot 10
POV of her running, stumbling

Shot 11
Track of her, then she falls over

Shot 12
LS see her scrambling up

Shot 13
MLS/LS Track of her running, moves to side track, tree in shot

Shot 14
POV from girl, just running

Shot 15
LS-MS runs past camera, she almost stumbles into it

Shot 16
LS / MLS side of her from behind trees (framed by trees)

Shot 17
POV of her running / stumbling (only stumbles, hits knee for example)

Shot 18
Reaction shot – front on MS of girl regaining balance

The following are general shots which we will include when we feel they are appropriate
Tracking her through the trees, LS
Reverse track through trees LS
Side track or track of his feet
Side track or track of her feet
High angle from tree, Girl runs in then out of frame, then male runs in then out of frame
He appears
Girl stumbles out of view, male is left in the frame camera moves towards him – to MS

Track of her running and stumbling, she starts to slightly look behind

CU her looking round very scared

POV from her of him striding towards

POV of male of her falling backwards (root etc) (2 cams)

Side track trees in frame of Lara running
He disappears
Reverse track she leans on a tree MS/LS

Reverse to other side of tree (stationary), she turns around a little

POV from her looking for male, he’s not there, shaky whip pans

OTS MS/LS track her walking backwards, stumbling, clearly in shock,
Then she carries on running

He reappears
She is looking to the left, he hand comes out from the right (round a tree). Track MLS

MCU he whispers in her ear ‘‘I knew you’d look lovely in this dress’

CU/BCU chloroform rag over mouth, her eyes flutter shut

Shot of her feet being dragged (side track) then dragged out of shot
Pan L-R Polaroids, comes to Lara’s he crosses out in red, puts up new photo

Obviously there are some gaps, but as ours is made up of so many short takes we really want to be there and we know we will get inspired while there like we did on the test shoot

Matt, Angelie, Liam, Alix

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